
Metal Webradio show, focused on Black / Atmospheric Black / Viking / Folk / Doom Metal. Occassionally broadened with other related music genres, eg. Thrash or Death Metal.

Regularly live weekly, Wednesday, 4 - 7 pm EST / 22:00 - 01:00 CET, both on Metal Devastation Radio, as well as on Twitch (starting 4 pm EST, open end).

Plus, there is the Extra Edition, starting right after Black'N'Deather, so 7 pm EST / 01:00 CET, only at our Twitch channel. Additionally acompanied by random popup shows of Kitchen Labs (Baking / Cooking / Experimenting in the kitchen + DJ Mix).

Historical facts:

Established by DJ HRH. ginsterbusch on February 11th, 2010; originally started on Brutal Existence Radio (R.I.P.).
After the demise of BER, it was moved over to gruftiradio.
When gruftiradio folded down in 2016/2017, the new place for the show soon became Metal Devastation Radio, where the show has been running continously since September 2017.

15th anniversary:

In 2025, we celebrate the 15th anniversary of this very show.
So far, there has been a celebratory raid train on February 11th, 2025, with 10+ DJs.
Also, each regular show till the end of the month is going to feature elements of classic shows and most played artists.

Latest show

Latest recording of the show, available at MixCloud. I'm usually quite picky, so not each and every show is being uploaded. Those that didnt make it can be found at our Fourthwall shop (membership).

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